Выпуск доступен для всех желающих по ссылке.
Данный выпуск является первым выпуском журнала «CIGRE Science and Engineering», выпущенным полностью в электронном формате.
Содержание выпуска за октябрь 2021:
- Editorial by Rob Stephen, CIGRE Science & Engineering Editor-in-Chief
- A Semi-Autonomous Cost Effective Erection Method for Overhead Line Towers
- Estimation of cumulative loss of strength of fittings for high temperature low sag overhead line conductors over their service life
- Critical Review on Biological Growth on Composite Insulators in Northern and Central European Environments: Evaluation of Risk for — Pollution Flashover and Ageing
- Frequency Domain Measurements for Diagnosis of Power Transformers: Experiences from Australia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and UK
- Assessment of the Dielectric Type Test Currently Applied on Mass-Impregnated Non-Draining HVDC Cables
- Estimation of ‘wet conductor’ audible corona noise from I-type suspension insulator strings at HVAC overhead power lines
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