Применение приборов волнового определения мест повреждения на объектах энергосистемы Республики Саха (Якутия)
The use of devices for wave detection of damage sites at the facilities of the power system of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
The use of devices for wave detection of damage sites at the facilities of the power system of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Towards the creation of an ornithological safety system for the electric grid complex in the european part of the south of Russia
Software suite for calculating the aging rate factor of transformer oil-filled equipment insulation
Traditional and future bushings insulation reliability bases
A prototype of a complex source of electrical energy for use in electrical distribution networks
Human-Centered Human-Machine Interaction
Effectiveness study of an automatic frequency control system for an off-grid power system with energy storage
Developments and practical experiences of merging units
Analysis of methods for determining the permissible current loads of non-insulated overhead power line wires
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